Thursday, July 21, 2016

MS Word as Editor in SAP

Hello there,
Sometimes we do need MS word in SAP text editor for easy writing and to use other MS word functionalities also. It's a client dependent properties, so no need to transport this settings. Also once needed you can switch it on and off from the T code I18N.
I will show you screenshots how to do that.

Go to T code I18N:

Open the I18N Menu :

Select MS word as Editor:
 Tick all the check box.

 Press Yes in all occurrences.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED error while scheduling ALV in background

Issue :
In ALV sap report you have used color to show in output column. You have passed color code to field catalog to "emphasize" filed of your internal table. Now when you run this report in foreground, everything works fine. But when you schedule it in background , your job got failed with error "GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED".

Cause : the possible cause is in while calling  'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' in the exporting parameter is_layout you might have passed field coltab_fieldname 'COLOR' and the same has not been enhanced in your output table. 

Solution : Declare a additional field "color type lvc_t_scol" into your output internal table which you are passing in 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' will solve the issue.

Monday, July 4, 2016

COPA Error after SAP Upgrade

Issue :After you have done the SAP upgrade, you are receiving error in MIGO transaction "Inconsistency between a document field and the prof. segment number".This is because COPA segment is not getting generated properly due to SAP code. Generally COPA programs are generated from SAP standard template program RKEVRK2L. 

Reason :So what happens after SAP upgrade, the template programs got updated with the latest versions not the generated programs. If in your SAP system there are modifications in the Template program then those changes does not reflect in the generated COPA programs like RK2LXXXX where XXXX is your operating concerns.

How to solve this issue :The issue is very simple. According to SAP note 321725, you have to execute RKE_GENERATE_INTERFACE_ACT from SE37 to each system with your operating concern as input. This one is the manual activity which can not be transported. This FM will again regenerate your COPA programs one again.

Note : If your company has some special requirements in COPA template program and has been added as a custom code , then those changes needs to be completed in SPAU activity while upgrade is in progress.


Evening play @ park

Baby In search of new sun glasses

Baby Vs Super Man

How to analyse failed SAP APO background jobs

This article has been written based on professional experience in various SAP domain and requires a little work knowledge spent on SAP in SAP background job monitoring.  In SAP industry background jobs plays a immense role in terms of data loading, routine tasks, planning etc . Hence need to maintain them we keep monitoring them. Now this article is about how problems occur with them in real time and what to do then or how to solve them. We will also discuss some SAP provided tool they have given to solve them or analyze them.
Prerequisite: Yes off course, here also we have prerequisite. Below Authorizations are needed for this activity.
  1.  ST12, ST22, ST05, SM12, SM50, SM21
  2.  All Job related T code access
  3.  All ALE/IDOC related ( * if  it’s there )
  4.  All CIF related ( * if it’s there )
  5.  All basic T codes module specific ( like ABAP_DISPLAY,          SD_MM_PP_DISPLAY, APO_DP_SNP_CIF_DISPLAY, )
  6. Some Change access T code : SM36, SM37, RSPC ( for solution )
  7. BASIS ( for support)

Now it depends upon the project structure that one person or team can have all authorization. Generally BASIS/TECHNICAL team has system related T codes which are required here also.

Here is couple of points we should know before starting.

All we know that form SM37 we can check any job with its name date etc. But we should also know how the job has been triggered and from where. Background job can be scheduled form process chain in system ( T code RSPC ) , from other 3rd party scheduler software ( like *****) , from normal SAP job scheduler ( T code SM36 ). Problem with Process chain is that, different process chain steps can have a same job name in SM37, so we have to identify them with job steps & variant. Sometimes while monitoring from 3rd party software, we have found a gap in status update of failed job in SAP. So we should know how those jobs have been scheduled in system so that we should have on right place to start with. If schedules normally from SM36, then job name & user name. If possible, We also should know also know if there is any KPI is mentioned for those jobs in terms of DATA volume so that we can have a idea how many time it’s going to take to complete.


We can easily check if the job has failed in SM37.  

SAP CRM - in short - for Beginner

What is SAP CRM

It is a Customer Relationship Management application provided by SAP, which comes with a set of methodologies and tools which helps the organization to manage customer relationship in an organized manner.
It is a part of SAP business Suite.
It reduces the cost and increases the company’s decision making capabilities.

Benefits of SAP CRM
It provides proven, scalable, standalone, enterprise
strength sales & marketing application
Improved customer services
It enables agents to create and route service tickets using interaction center.
Standardization by streamlining business processes.
Consolidation and simplification
Flexibility-sales force work the way they want to work.
Increased ability to meet customer demands and ward-off stiff competition.
Use of single database model.
Loyalty and profitability
Easy to use

SAP CRM Business Role
Business role is a crucial aspect while configuring web UI as required by an individual.
It displays CRM functions in the form of BSP applications in the CRM Web client.
Business role is assigned to the end-user using the PFCG ROLE ID attribute.
How to create a business role:-
      – Create a PFCG Role
      – Create a Business Role and in the PFCG Role ID field put the PFCG role created in          the first step.
      – Assign the user to the PFCG role created in the first step.
      – Add that Business Role in the SU01 Role tab.

Middleware in SAP CRM
Middleware is inbuilt within the SAP CRM.
It enables the SAP CRM to interact with other SAP and Non-SAP Systems.
Generally it is used for data exchange and mapping.
Middleware controls what data should flow in and out of the CRM.
The basic item in CRM Middleware is the Bdoc.
A Bdoc - Business Document can be defined as a set of transaction statements, which represent a logical object. It is like an envelop of all business data that is necessary to run a business process like A sales document.
GUID Concept
It is a Global Unique Identifier.
Acts as a primary key for all the CRM Tables by identifying master and transaction data uniquely in the system.
With GUID you can prevent number range conflicts and allow for easier access to CRM tables.
GUIDs are created using the function module “GUID_CREATE” in SAP CRM.
two GUIDs produced on any two computers at any time can never be the same.
Important tables Related to Business Partner in CRM

BUT000 - BP: General data ,Contains Business Partner Number
BUT020 - BP: Addresses
BUT050 - BP relationships/role definitions
BUT100 - BP: Roles
ADRC - Addresses
ADR2 - Telephone Numbers
ADR6 - Contains Email – Id of the Business Partner
TSAD3 - Table containing the Title text against a Title No.

Important tables Related to Order in CRM
CRMD_ORDER_INDEX - Contains Header as well as Item details for a
Business Transaction.
CRMD_LINK - Transaction GUID set for all the Business
CRMD_ORDERADM_HEADER - Contains the Header Information for a Business Transaction.
CRMD_ORDERADM_ITEM- Stores the Item information for a Business
CRMD_CUSTOMER_ ITEM – Additional Site Details at the Item Level of a Service Contract
CRMC_PROC_TYP - Master table Business Transaction Type
CRMC_PROC_ASSIGN -Transaction Type and its Transaction Type Object.

ABAP is used in SAP CRM for programming, since it is the proprietary programming language of SAP.
CRM ABAP is more module specific than a pure ABAP.
CRM applications are generally written in object oriented manner.
Instead of using user-exits generally BADIs are used.
Data is read via function module or class method.
The business logic in CRM applications are UI independent.

Business Transaction Programming Basics

CRM_ORDER_READ - This function module is used to get the details of any business transaction in CRM based on the given Header GUID, Item GUID or both.
The structure IT_REQUESTED_OBJECTS is passed to fetch the required details ( sub-objects) only.
SAP has provided a report CRM_ORDER_READ for the same for testing purpose. You can pass Business Transaction Number (Object ID), Header GUID or Item GUID to this to get the required details.
Like CRM_ORDER_READ , there are specific read Function modules for each and every sub-object data.
– This function module can be used to modify and create the data in the Business transactions. It takes the data of the sub-objects in the import tables and the information of modified data in a changing parameter CT_INPUT_FIELDS.
– SAP has provided a report CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN for the same for testing purpose.
– Like the CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN, there are maintain function modules for each and every specific sub-object.
– This function module is used to make changes to a document in memory/buffer.
– CRM_ORDER_SAVE allows you to save those changes made by CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN, in database.
– It is used to clear the buffer memory and lock maintenance .
After calling the CRM_ORDER_SAVE, you need to call the following function modules in the proper order to make the save successful and to initialize the order.

Service Tickets in SAP CRM 

If a customer faces any issue he can raise the issue with the vendor via any medium e.g. Fax, telephone, email, etc.
If he doesn’t get the issue resolved, he can raise the ticket into CRM.
Provisions are there in the SAP CRM to create ticket, follow-up ticket, modify a ticket, actions, linked-ticket, and ticket error.
You can set priority to the ticket as well.
As well as there is a provision to check the status of ticket in SAP CRM.
These tickets are also useful to track all customer inquiries.

Some Useful links

Wikipedia /
Enhancing SAP CRM UI +Enhancing+the+UI+in+CRM+7.0
SAP CRM Middleware middleware/blog/2012/03/21/sap-crm-middleware-basic-overview
CRM Business Transaction Programming Basics transactions.html

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Authorization check into SAP query

Here we will see how we can write custom code for authorization check into SAP query.

Let's have a authorization check for company code.
Define the company code field in INFOSET ( SQ02) , go to Selection tab and create a New selection with below details. Here selection name is BUKRS.

Suppose we have a custom table which has a field called BUKRS for company code.

Now for creating rest of the selection screen, go to SQ01 and don’t select company code there. If you select here then in the selection screen 2 times company code will come.


Place your authorization code here : , save and generate the 

Now RUN query from SQ01

Check in debugging the value of BUKRS, you will find the selection screen value of there in BUKRS .

Output :

How to Set ALE IDOC in SAP

This blog will show how you can setup ALEAUD IDOC to SAP system to send received/sending IDOC information

ALE audit is only possible for IDocs of type logical system (LS).

       Maintain a distribution model with the sender (Consumer), the receiver (wM) and the message type ALEAUD for ALE audit.Maintain the RFC destination connection from Consumer to wM server.Create the tRFC port using the corresponding RFC destination.Maintain the Partner Profile (outbound parameter) for the logical partner receiver     server (wM).Select the message type ALEAUD as outbound parameter and the tRFC receiver port.Schedule a background job in the Consumer system to periodically send back the audit data to wM using RBDSTATE.

Sample ALEAUD Idoc in SAP system: